Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wherein our heroines work it out re: grammar and unicorns.

I am the only person in the entire world who can change her diet pretty majorly AND increase physical activity AND go camping for 3 days AND still maintain the exact same weight.  To the OUNCE.  I win, guys.

I'm not really complaining.  Weight doesn't matter so much to me these days.  I'd still LIKE to lose another 20 lbs, because I'm pretty sure that's one of the requirements of keeping my ChickCard that also gets me out of things like changing my own tires and squashing potentially venomous spiders.  Anyway- the fascinating thing to me today is that in 2 weeks, my body fat percentage has dropped and my resting metabolism has increased by something like 300 kcals.   

Oh! And Sabine bought me a present and even though she isn't owning it I'm becoming more and more certain that it might be a unicorn.  See how good she is at throwing me off the trail:

me:  grammar check? Boughten vs. bought.
me:  "Grandma gave me a store-boughten dress" is correct.  "Sabine has boughten me a unicorn" is not correct?  I mean, not the fact of the unicorn you have in your office, but it should be "Sabine bought me a unicorn" right?
Sabine:  Hypothetically speaking it should be "Sabine bought me a unicorn." - if I in fact had bought a unicorn. But I'm not owning the purchasing of a 108 inch unicorn.  If I bought a 108 inch unicorn it would require way more than just 3 AA batteries to operate. just sayin'
 me:  That's just for the glow collar. Unicorns don't take batteries... but it's ok.  I'll pretend I don't really know what it is. That way I can be "surprised."
Sabine:  I hope your Hypothetical unicorn will provide you with years of joy.

Yeah. Hypothetical. Sure.

Gulf Wars was great. I thought about doing another Top10 List, as has been done in previous years, but... no.  The weather was great, the company was stellar, I wasn't there long enough for the sheer volume of people or even specific people to make me feel the need to go hide in the parking lot.  I had some great moments with people I adore.  Brent's Knighting and John's earning of his squires' chain were both very awesome to be a part of.  It was good but I'm not putting together a punchlist... I'd forget something.  We'll just say it was exactly what I needed for exactly as long as I needed it, and I came home feeling amazing, loved, healthy, and my feet didn't hurt.   


Day 4 already? It's going fine.  Yesterday I didn't have anything I'd call a craving but I did feel a little more short-tempered and impatient than is typical.  Today I'm as happy as a basketful of kittens with a fresh ball of yarn and I'm hugging everybody I work with so maybe the crazy has passed... then again, maybe this is the crazy. 


If anybody has any great ideas on how I ought to fancy-up my helmet and wiffle ball bat for San Fermin in Nueva Orleans, holler.  It feels like July is going to be here very soon and I do so wish to be... er, the Bulle of the Ball? That just doesn't sound right.  Ideas, people!

1 comment:

  1. Any limits to what you can do to your helmet?

    Any "ya know, it'd be cool if I had _______" for your helmet?
