Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time for some Happy.

This week has kind of sucked.

Work is picking up.  I'm the Office Queen for a seasonal business and this time of year, things start getting hinky.  I imagine bears coming out of hibernation require a little bit of time before they hit their summertime groove, and that's what this feels like.  I'll be fine in a week or so as I get myself back into the swing of how things are for the busy 8 months of the year around here.  In the meantime though- my stress level has gone up higher than I typically allow, and I need to refocus some after-hours attention on letting it go. 

Normally, I take a 10-day vacation in March and I start getting ready for it in early February. This week, due to a number of factors I've cut it down to 3 nights/2 days, and I start getting ready for it... tonight. This shouldn't be a problem, but it feels very discombobulated.  If I forget something, I'm going to not have a second chance to remember it, and instead I'll just find myself mooching off of my friends if it's that important. I doubt that's going to be a problem though... most of my friends are the human embodiments of Swiss Army Knives and they always pack extra. Heck, I usually pack extra... but this year, I'm just going to kind of jump and hope it works. After all- it's just a couple of days. I can do without anything but my pillow for that long.  The important thing- in the very near future I'll get to enjoy time with some of my dear ones, and when you take that into context, it doesn't matter if you forgot your shoes. Which I just realized I don't have on my packing list...

On a very high note though- full vegetarianism is treating me very well. I'm feeling pretty awesome, and I've only felt a twinge of longing once when the roommate was frying boudin (but seriously, Ghandi would want some of that).  I'm sleeping soundly, I've got good energy levels, and I don't find myself craving salt or pickles or bananas, so I'm thinking that I'm being pretty well balanced.  It would be PERFECT if I could find a locally available and yummy nut-free granola that didn't have candy in it... but then again, I still want that unicorn, and some degree of want is good for you.

So, yeah. Lent is the trial run, but I'm putting serious consideration into just staying on this wagon once Easter passes.  We'll see how that goes.

This is my guilty pleasure song of the day.  Do share it with me? 

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