Friday, March 4, 2011

This is me not thinking about it.

Just so we're clear, The Thing I'm Not Thinking About is the upcoming bout. It's my first one to skate in and as of today a few shy of 650 tickets are sold and kids under 10 are free (and not holding tickets) and then there will probably be tickets sold at the door.  I'm not sure what my actual statistical odds are of whatever dumbass thing I do ending up on YouTube is, but I could probably crunch some numbers, if I were letting myself think about it.  Instead, I'm going to think about EVERYTHING else.

So, I'm pretty sure Butterbean here at work told me that he was giving up Skoal for Lent because if Jesus could wonder in the desert for 40 years he could give up spitting in a cup for 40 days.  I love my job so very much some days, it hurts.

Lent.  I haven't made an attempt at Catholicism for well over a decade and I do not identify as one, but I do always try to observe Lent in some way by sacrificing something that I would be well served to do without.    This year, I started out planning BIG- but after a conversation with EvilSara, who is apparently taking this year's turn with the RealityBat, I've toned it down to something that's actually attainable.  I don't like setting myself up for failure, and I was.

So- I've backslid a bit on my dietary habits.  I was being a pretty good pescetarian-with-the-occasional-poultry there for a long time, but my adjusted schedule (skating, spring in general, and now work is getting crazy with the busy season) has wreaked havoc on the things that I consume.  I've not been bringing my lunch to work with me and at the end of the day it has been far too convenient to hit a drive-thru-- and I really do NOT enjoy fast food. So I've been both eating junk and not liking it, and even if my weight or shape hasn't suffered I think my health and energy may have and I know that my sense of self discipline has.  Thus, the first adjustment is to kick it totally Vegetarian-style for Lent and hopefully without very much junk involved.  When you're allergic to nuts being a vegetarian is a total pain in the ass, but at least I love soy. That's something.  I also have a blender that is smarter than I am- it did my tax returns for me and got me a hell of a refund, and it also makes amazing shakes.  I'll live, and hopefully emerge with some healthier habits post-Easter.

My next adjustment is to eliminate all sodas in all forms, for the same reasons. I'd originally said all caffeine, but I'm not ready for that. I like coffee and tea in moderation but don't consume either in large quantities. Coke Zero is pretty much useless. 

Finally- I'm going to be a more reliable housekeeper.  I'm going to put the laundry away when it is done.  I'm going to unload the dishwasher once it has run. I'm going to stop using the big chair inside the front door as the landing pad for everything that I don't feel like dealing with.  I've always prided myself on keeping a relatively tidy home and my recent lack thereof is jacking with my zen, and there's no excuse for that.

For now, though- it's the last weekend of Mardi Gras. While you couldn't drag me to another parade for love nor money, I do plan on indulging just a little bit here and there and I shall nap in abundance.  I'm also going to work some more on my love letters because that is turning out to be such an indulgence, and I'm loving it.  Happy Carnivale, ya'll.

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