Monday, January 31, 2011

"But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need."

Since I know you've been dying of suspense I'll get it out of the way early:  The wardrobe crisis on Friday night was fairly minimal. I tried on one dress, said "oh, that doesn't work with boots," changed clothes once, and it was done. I think I spent more time on my makeup than I did on dressing myself, and I don't really spend a lot of time on makeup.  I was pretty happy with my decision; I still looked dressed up enough to be going out without feeling like I'd overdone it, and when the time came for dancing like a filthyfilthywhore I didn't feel like I was too classy to get down.  When your Girls' Night Out crew of Derby girls and affiliated fun girls are given the VIP Room at THE Premier Douchebag* Club in town complete with complimentary champagne and a DJ who says "WHATEVER YOU WANT, LADIES!!!!", you do what you've gotta do and you back dat ass up.  When in Rome, yo.

Side note: Sabine gave me a rockin' gift- a belt buckle made of .30-06 shells.  This buckle is absolutely stunning and is clearly a Conversation Piece. In the pub, bikers/dudes with awesome hair loved ammo and wanted to talk about it. In the PdC, boys with popped collars loved ammo and wanted to talk about it.  On the street, a slightly off-kilter drunk guy who kept playing with his zipper loved ammo and wanted to talk about it. Note To Self: Do not wear buckle when feeling antisocial.

The Hangover Fairy completely skipped my house on Saturday.  Lots was accomplished:
Fylgir and I went running for miles
Bedroom carpet shampooed
Blankets/sheets laundered
The rest of the kitchen cupboards emptied/cleaned/re-papered/organized
Stuff was hung on the walls
The best nap ever was enjoyed. Clean sheets + open windows on a Saturday afternoon just can't be recommended highly enough. 

And now- on to the real point of writing at all:

The Dash Rip Rock and Cowboy Mouth show was absolutely eargasmic, ya'll. 

I'd never seen DRR. Up until about a week ago I'd only heard "Smokin' Pot" and I downloaded a few songs just to check them out.  I thought they were pretty much OK and didn't think more about it.  But ya'll- WOW.  They had so much energy and stage presence and holy cow, they were just hot.  They really warmed up the crowd for Cowboy Mouth and I don't think I've ever felt that much positive energy in a room in my entire life. It was just jubilant and joyful and magical like unicorns and puppies were having a tea party.

I want to play this song at some future wedding. Probably not the one for love and likely not the one for money... maybe I'll have to work one based on lust in there somewhere. I'm thinking for the recessional. Future bridesmaids, this is your notice.

A moment I'd like to remember:  Somewhere about midways through the set, CM opened up with an audience sing-along of the chorus of "You Can't Always Get What You Want."  It's an understatement to say that that's one of my favorite songs... and it was really touching and perfect, and the lead-in to "Take Me Back to New Orleans" which is one of those songs I classify as "a song that probably saved my life."  I swear that everybody in the room was not only singing along but really meaning every syllable.  So that was mind blowing... and then they finished up the song with a nailed-on-the-head version of the long instrumental ending of Layla.  I think I could've died happy at that very moment with no regrets. 

Anyhow- once the concert was over I bid adieu to my friends (and favorite concert-going buddies, Medusa and her husband) and headed out feeling both wrung out like a sponge and wound up like a watch.  I headed over to hang out with a few more friends for some Rock Band and conversation and for the second night in a row didn't get home until after 3AM. Let me just say- I'm TOO OLD to be doing that. My body is set to be awake early, and even if I stay up late I'm still going to be awake by 8 at the latest.  So we combine two nights of staying out too late and on top of that, Sunday brought the most profound emotional hangover I've had in at least two years.  I'd love to say that Sunday was a great day and I got a lot done that isn't what happened.  Instead, I laid on my couch and watched a Degrassi marathon for 7 hours.  I did finally pry myself up from my nest of blankets and cats to go see a movie and hit retro skate night which is somewhat redeeming, but I still feel as though I wasted an entire day.

It's a new week, though, and a new day.  I still feel a little bit emo but under that, there's some excitement brewing, like something neat is about to happen and I have no idea what it is.  It's a good feeling. 

*FYI, I have a newfound phobia of popped collars.


  1. You totally have to post a picture of the belt buckle.

  2. I keep meaning to but I'm a loser. It will happen soon.

  3. There are only a few things I have managed to get right in the last few months, that belt buckle is one of them.

    It is awesome and so very perfect.

    It was modeled after this one -

    But instead of 3 bullets, I asked for 5. Because I thought 3 just wasn't blinged out enough and 7 might be overkill.

  4. I love love love them, I just learned about them in October when they were at a concert with Jace Everett that I wanted to go to. But alas, I couldn't find anyone to go with me.

  5. Popped collars are a sure sign of douchebaggery and should be avoided at all times. DRR did bring their A game! I was so pumped by them & my conversation with the bassist, I could have left on a high note then & there! CM was the icing on the cake. Your right, their intro to "Take Me Back to New Orleans" with the Stones & extended Layla outro was phenomenal, but hearing them cover "LA Woman" brought me to my knees... I'd leave the hubby for Jim tomorrow, & he's cool with that. :-) Yep, another amazing CM show starting with Baton Rouge's damn best cowpunk band ever... Yeah, Billy could play me like a guitar & y'all can get locked in a liquor store together! Your concert buddy, Medusa (she who is beloved by Fred)!
