Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm not on my A game. Or even my C game.

Apparently I needed some rest.

I got the flu (and two ear infections) last week.  I get sick all the time (usually just ear infections) but this time I spent the better part of 4 days asleep, which is pretty unheard of for me. I'm usually a "lie there and suffer audibly" kind of girl.  Anyhow, I passed the hell out and for the 15.5 minutes I was awake, I was either trying to engage in crafts while high on flu medicine and with a slight case of vertigo or writing emails that should have been subtitled "THE SKY IS FALLING" while high on flu medicine and hanging onto my desk with my toes... because, you know, I could still type with vertigo as long as I hooked my toes under the underside of the desk.  I wish I were making that up.

I wish I'd had the presence of mind to blog while I was sick because even if it may not have made any sense to you, I thought I was effing hilarious.  I know that I tried to tell the Beekeeper that he couldn't play the video game he wanted to play and had to play Civilization instead because it made the Smurfs more complacent.  I took approximately 5 baths a day.  I built a pillow fort and got mad at one of the cats who refused to use the password to get in. 

My fever broke last week (Thursday?), but now it's Monday and I am clearly not back to 100% or anything all that close.  I'm cranky.  I'm needy but not finding anybody available who wants to put up with my clinginess and dammit, I know I'd feel so much better faster if somebody would just give me all of their undivided attention for a day or 4.  My relationship with solid food is still on shaky ground and seems to only be stable when I'm ingesting things into which full cream, whole-fat cheese, or real butter have been included.  I'm dejected and grouchy and I'm expecting that I'm going to have to deal with people throwing some attitude around in a few hours and I'm not looking forward to it.  I really very much want to force myself back into a happy mindset but honestly can't be bothered to do so. 

The silver linings to the past week that are just going to get glossed over because I can't be assed to rewind that much:

  • I finished the rottweiler skirt (debuting Saturday night)
  • I'm officially a rostered skater for March 12
  • My kidneys are very healthy, smaller than they were before, and my new nephrologist is smart, funny, adorable, and not a jackass.
  • My general physician's scale is logging my total weight loss to date as being  98 pounds. 

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