Friday, January 21, 2011

Lazy thoughts for a Lazy Friday

Weekend agenda:

Go through the 15 boxes or so of Dad's House that have come to live with me. Figure out what to do with said things.  The highlight? There is a box whose label says "2 bookends, powder keg" and I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing what is going on with that.  Possibly build some shelves. Or purchase some... something.  

Find some warmth. Give it to my toes. Seriously- my feet will NEVER BE WARM AGAIN, people.

Spend at least 2 hours in my craft/sewing room making it make sense again.

Get the remnants of Christmas back into it's permanent storage location.  Not as bad as it sounds- just has to be done.

Possibly see a movie. Or 2.  "Monsters", "I Love You Phillip Morris" and "Green Hornet" all sound good.

Not think too hard about a coincidence. Or not think at all about it, if it can be managed. I'm pretty sure it doesn't deserve the effort.

Head to T-town on Sunday for to deliver a rifle to Mouse - and do some skating with the Vixens! They're our opponents for our first bout of the season coming up in March, and it'll be great to meet them ahead of time and check out their strategies build camaraderie.


  1. I may have to post my plans for the weekend...perhaps it will hold me accountable at the end of the weekend. I REALLY need to get the last of our Christmas Sh..Stuff put away. BTW I hate the "select profile" google profile is Asher (my male Flyer) but I dont' think any of my friends know that....

  2. I'm surprised that's your profile name since your Google Chat name is different. I bet you can reset it, though.

  3. Hey, how about that. It let me. I just had to dig around to figure out where to do so.
