Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My feet are so cold. So, so cold.

I'm freezing. I've been freezing since about Halloween, I think.  My iron is fine. B12 is fine. Nothing medical should be making me cold, but I'm incapable of getting warm.  I think I may be part lizard. Maybe I just need a big electric rock to curl up on. If I don't find one, I'm just going to resign myself to never being warm again.

Sabine said very recently, about getting back into blogging:

" It is hard to get rolling again... but once you do it becomes sooooo much easier. Find some prompts to write about until prompted writing pisses you off, then your inspiration will come.

Worked for me."

I've got about 7 drafts of posts started, and none of them are based on the 30 Days of Truth prompt list. I wouldn't say that it is prompted writing that pisses me off so much as it's that list that pisses me off. There's an awful lot of Eeyore going on up in that list that wasn't apparent until it was my list to do.  I'm still going to finish some of them, but if anybody (like, all 1.4 of my readers) had any ideas about that list being finished up this month, well... get bent. It just ain't gonna happen.

Derby practice was good last night, for the most part. There was some weird energy (and I swear, there was a skunk in the building, somewhere), but it was good. I'm getting happier with my stamina but my speed still doesn't make me happy.  I blocked in 5-6 scrimmage jams and did ok.  I got a few hits on but despite my child-bearing hips, didn't have nearly enough power in them to do much.  One of the best ass-whackers on the team is going to give me some much-needed one on one time later this week in that arena, though, so maybe I'll get there.  We've got a busy month-or-so coming... a rules meeting, a parade, at least one bar fundraiser, an away practice, the normal practices, and our opening bout on March 12, which probably means that all that stuff I'm going to make in February is going to be Derby-specific.  OH. I decided I won't be buying any new materials for that challenge.  Those who have seen the contents of my sewing room won't be impressed at all by that statement, but hey- there it is.

1 comment:

  1. I am finding that now that I'm beginning to blog again, there's a million things I want to say. I've tried to save them up for all at once but then I forget what I wanted to say. The other thing is I don't want to inundate the web with multiple posts! Oh, what is a girl to do???
