Monday, April 18, 2011

Pizza, Tiki Bowls,and Nude Hose

The Scholars' College Reunion was this weekend. Unlike many schools, we don't do class years - we just do the entire damn college every 5 years.  Anyhow- I had an amazing time.  Walking to campus from Brent and Jeanie's was nostalgic (I used to walk that route, as I rented part of the duplex across the street from them for a bit, and before that I was at their house all the time anyway).  Walking home? Not as nostalgic. Turns out they've fenced in the impound lot AND fixed the cemetery's fencing so that sneaking out the back is harder than it once was but we worked it out.  It wasn't very much of a shortcut but it was scenic.  It turns out that Tiki Bowls still taste like Pineapple Juice, we're still more excited by "You Never Even Called me by My Name" than by most other songs, and reports indicate that current Scholars' students still arrange themselves around the table based on who actually read the text.  Thank God for things that never change!  Furthermore, my souvenirs from the weekend include t-shirts, a brick with a plaque on it, and a railroad spike, which also indicates that not much has changed about my sentimentality.  John as Sara's plus one did a great job of ferrying us around, babysitting purses, tolerating inside jokes that weren't applicable to him, and hanging out in a college kid bar.

Sunday after Jhan's family and John got on the road, the rest of us took off in the Firebird to take some pictures around town.  There was Public Indecency at the Train Station, possible violations of "no skating" rules downtown, and we're not going to talk about the cannon at all, but we did have a ton of fun.  Such a ton of fun was had that I made it home, sent a text that said I didn't need any recovery time because I felt great!... and promptly passed out in the Comfy Chair with a pile of cats for an hour and a half.

I'm hoping for an easy - and fast - week this week.  I'm rolling into it pretty damn happy with the state of the me in general and all recovered from the weekend with only a pile of laundry and a sewing project to keep me occupied until the next weekend gets here - which I am anticipating eagerly.


I spent way too much time dwelling on this earlier.  Kinda creepy, eh (the link, not the dwelling)?

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