Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's kind of like a roller coaster, but without the lap bar.

So- I had an a really great vacation. A friend hosted me in San Diego for 2 days of beach walking, Mexican food, seals that didn't seem interested in going clubbing at all, and lots of downtime.  Downtime seems much easier to accomplish when the company is good and the air smells like the ocean, I'm telling you.  Usually I epically fail at relaxing and it starts to feel like work but that wasn't the case.  California is gorgeous and I totally get the appeal of the west coast now.  The trip to and fro, despite being long, was easy.  Sabine's great suggestion of Tylenol PM and a stiff drink before boarding to come home was a great one (file under: Sabine is Still Not a Role Model).

Annnnd then I came home and reality kind of jumped up and said "HI!!!!!"  On Easter, Max was killed in a motorcycle accident.  Now, Max is not one of my close friends. I've known him for 15+ years, and he's always been around, but we never got cozy.  That being said, he was really close with a lot of the people I do consider close enough to want to be able to tend to their needs and - big surprise - situations I have no control over don't exactly set well with me.  I'm doing what I can do to help make things easier for those that I can but it's still rough to see my people hurting and not being able to fix them. So instead, I'll make up the beds and get out the skillets and do some cooking and fawning.  Sabine and I are going to hang blinds, too... because nothing distracts people like wrenching the power tools away from Sabine and I and hanging up the blinds for us.

Basically, I'm thinking that when you add together a really good weekend and a really harsh Monday, you get something that feels a bit like being hit by a truck with some pleasant tones.  And this is why I don't write Hallmark cards...


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