Monday, February 11, 2013

Wherein I realize I'm older than I thought I was.

me: Ok. I have to confess something.
For the past several weeks, I have been thinking that I was coming up on my 33rd birthday... and I was wrong.
I'm going to fucking be 34.
EvilSara: :(
me: I AM SO MAD.
EvilSara: Want me to take your mind off it?
I took a 20 minute GMAT test for shits and giggles and realize how math and grammer I have forgotten
I am scared yo
you are mad you are going to be 34?
me: I am mad because I thought I was 32, really.
EvilSara: I have thought I was 32 for the last 3 years
 (yes, that counts the year I was 31)
me: I feel better.
EvilSara: I have to do the math every single time I need my age.
me: I did the math. And I did it wrong.
EvilSara: ok =-| I can't help you with that one.
EvilSara: Did you know you can't even use a simple calculator for the GMAT?
me: Clearly, I'd be screwed.
And I did not know that.

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