Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Despite all the crap I'm about to say, I'm really in a great mood.

My internal dialogue entertains the hell out of me sometimes.  Somewhere around the age of 12 I figured out that I wasn't supposed to just always say those things that I was thinking, though, and most of the time my tact filter kicks on and I don't spread snark and sarcasm every damn time I open my mouth.  That internal dialogue is for ME- and select others that I choose to share it with, but for the most part keeping it internalized is for everyone's better interest... and clearly, it's broken today. Or malfunctioning.  Or I left it next to my contact lens case or underneath the banana I meant to grab on my way out the door.  Regardless- it is 10:13 AM, and one co-worker has already cried at me, another is hiding in the warehouse "cleaning" (because it hasn't happened for 3 years, so today is the perfect time to do that), and I've dropped f-bombs on Sabine's wall because the bracelets she posted a picture of annoyed me because they are probably a really great idea and that makes me sad.

So instead of telling you what is on my mind, which includes things like Craigslist Ads Inspired by God (there's a true story there), how flighty artists annoy the Bejeebus out of me (though I was saved by amazing non-flighty artist Boompoet, who is now my favorite person until at least close of business today), and how all this annoying week-ness is really getting in the way of the weekend GETTING HERE already.... I'm going to tell you what I told Sabine earlier:

I don't wish to explain how it is that I came to google "Extreme Ironing", but I did. That's the high point of my morning.

You're Welcome.

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