Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stagnation is bad. That's how mosquitos happen.

"Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind." -- Leonardo DaVinci

So here we are, a preemptive New Years' Change (I hate resolutions) to start talking at the internet again. I've decided that part of my problem is needing a change of view. While I still love my old blog, everything it taught me and all of the memories and lessons it holds, it feels a bit like my childhood bedroom; important, but outgrown. I'm not the same girl who started that space, nor who quit using it- I've changed. While it may be possible that a redesign might make it functional to my needs again, maybe it's better to leave it there to represent the function that it did serve, once, and move on to new vistas. Uncharted territory, and this time, hosted by a party that takes care of the security updates for me... not that that really has anything to do with anything. Anyhow. I'm going to try to live here for awhile, and see how it treats me, and is still sitting there for the time being.

I've wanted to put my mind back to writing for some time, but it hasn't worked. I have a blog. I have a Facebook. I have notebooks and a smartphone and absolutely no excuse for not having doing it other than simply- I haven't, because I haven't made myself.. Blogging has always been my favorite form of writing; it allows all of the permanency of a journal while still indulging the need to be seen, but Facebook doesn't cut it. Perhaps that's the difference between being a bit scandalous and a full out exhibitionist, figuratively speaking. Blogging is putting something out there, knowing that people will see it if you tell them and risking that you'll get spotted by a stranger. Facebooking is more like standing on a podium and saying "Here it is, I'm being brilliant for you, validate me (please)." Facebook is the nightclub of the internet, and I've always thought of a blog as being more of a small in-home party with the chance for a door crasher now and then.

I don't actually say anything on the internet that I'm afraid of being seen. There's no such thing as internet privacy but having an awareness of who's going to be looking definitely alters your voice. There- it's more for you. Here, it's more for me, but there is still a chance for feedback given to those who care to to have words to say.

So, this is my first step towards re-exercising my writing muscles- or rather, a declaration that that is my intent. I don't even have a solid idea as of yet as to what the topic spectrum is going to cover. Roller derby, I suspect, as it is my current and most time-consuming passion, will take up a chunk. My fantastic family of amazing friends is always front-and-center, of course, because it's hard to be in love with people without wanting to talk about them. My personal life? Well... maybe. I've had a lot of eye-opening realizations lately but that might be getting too personal.  We'll see.

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