Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wherein our heroine is a graceful creature of poised elegance and then stays up too late.

So last night we started a run of minimum skills requirements testing.

Last time I did the timed 25 laps- I sucked. I got 20.5.  Last night I only got 23... but I also managed to wipe myself out in the most spectacular manner possible with the timer running. In one fall--- unassisted by anybody other than myself- I managed to land on my ass, my ear, and my thumb. Actually- I may have rolled over my own thumb because sometimes, I just channel a gazelle and it's so hard to hold back that urge. I completely knocked the wind out of myself.   I do know that the thumb isn't broken and that's really about all I can say for it.  Anyway. I'll be doing that again next week (timed laps, not "interpretive Serengeti dance of joy on wheels").  And if I don't get my 25, I'll be doing it again the week after. This is something that I am capable of doing when people aren't watching and/or timing me- I'm certain.  So I just need to turn that part of my brain off and get the crap done, preferably while remaining in a relatively not-on-my-ass sort of position. 

And in a more somber note, one of the freshies totally gets the "derby practice sucked" trophy.  Looks like she's going to be having surgery for a spiral ankle fracture and I'm very heartbroken for her.  Out of respect for her and her cast, I shall now stop complaining about my black thumb and get the hell over it.

I'm not going to stop complaining about my heinous bout outfit, though.  I really thought that it was fine in the mirror but all I see in the pictures are big biceps and a high waist that isn't flattering at all. And boobs. I normally don't complain about those but the ensemble looks far less "sassy" and far more "trailer park" than I was going for.  Sabine and I have a plan. After seeing my ass on Youtube I'm thinking that my long-suffering housemate is going to be forced to use his helmet cam to tape me skating in the street in a selection of outfits.  We'll work it out, anyhow.

Last night, I got home from practice, crawled into the bathtub, and proceeded to read 3/4 of Bailey's Cafe over again just because I was feeling a bit homesick for the book and wanted to crawl up inside it.  This resulted in my actually going to sleep at 2:30ish, which was not a Very Good Idea.  I can't brain today, kids. I have the dumb.

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