Monday, March 21, 2011

Your Monday Crazy Advisory!

So, um.... I may have quit smoking cold turkey about 36 hours ago.

Or I may not have. I bought a "GreenSmoke" Electronic cigarette, which gives you nicotine but no tar and fiberglass and fertilizer and...stuff (we're just gonna call it stuff for now), so I really don't know what you call it.  But I am visualizing the e-cig as a "help me stop smoking" therapy item and so that's what it is for me.  Just like Chantix was but without the added fun and benefit of the BatShitCrazy and the spontaneous crying and the vivid dreams and the irrationality.  So really, I'm pretty much taking the fun out of quitting.

So my plan WAS to use the e-cig to slowly rule out smoking in certain places. Like my truck to start, and then I'd work it out from there.  And yesterday, I woke up and was going to stop and get cigarettes and I just kept putting it off, because really- this 'lil gadget is keeping the edge off but it doesn't have an odor and that's the thing that's been getting to me lately, the stank of being a smoker along with this little niggling idea in the back of my head somewhere that MAYBE I'd be a better athlete if I weren't doing it, because I think I read that in a book somewhere and books are always right.  Instead of buying cigarettes I went and spent 3 hours detailing my truck and decided that I was just going to do this, and so doing this is what I'm doing.      

I've quit multiple times before (the longest was for... 6ish months?) and I can't swear that this time is going to be different but I think that I am ready for it to be, and this is the absolute BEST time to be a non-smoker because it's spring and I love the smell of grass and honeysuckle. 

So- there's your advisory.  If'n I seem a bit touched or off or maybe a little antsy, chances are that it isn't you.  Patience will be appreciated for the next little bit.

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