Monday, February 14, 2011

A Very Awesome Monday.

Those familiar with my morning routine know that when I wake up I'm mean, prone to tears, and completely beyond the ability of grasping logic.  This is remedied only by the acquisition of caffeine and a shower... and then results may still vary.  Mondays are harder than other days simply by virtue of it being Monday, and this Monday was worst than most by virtue of a great big NPO order that was to hold until my appointment at the hospital to have a 3-D ultrasound done.  No caffeine. No breakfast (I do love me some food, you know). I decided that brushing my teeth would be just fine and I still stand by that decision because no medical professional deserves morning breath, technicality of orders be damned.  I did make it to the hospital and the right place but with a raging morning headache.  So- the first bit of the morning really sucked but THEN---

Holy crap. 3-D ultrasound is SO COOL!  I didn't get any copies of the pictures but even though I'm the kind of person who gets squeamish easily I was really enthralled with the whole experience.  I was pretty psyched to get to see all my insides and even though the tech was doing the whole "I'm not your doctor so I'm not going to tell you anything" she would at least tell me what we were looking at as far as organs went. 

And THEN--- I had to go report to my general physician's office upstairs and I got on his scale and now my official medical record says I've lost 100.2 lbs.  We're not going to take into account that I was STARVING. It counts. Nyah.

And THEN-- my GP looked at the images from the ultrasounds and it appears that my kidneys have gotten smaller, which is really not normal but really very good. This was kind of expected a few weeks ago but is now confirmed- and in 3D!

And THEN-- I got a spinach muffin thingy from Subway and a glorious cup of coffee. 

And THEN it registered that I appear to have something that resembles a date tomorrow night... a date with a person whose first impression of me featured roller skates and a not-poodle skirt and what we're going to generously call a bit of a buzz.  I am trying to forget about the fact that I'm really bad at the whole "dating" thing and just look forward to having a nice time with a new friend... and if I keep saying that over and over maybe I won't puke.

And THEN my cat gave me a big fake diamond for Valentine's Day, because my cat truly does love me best.  Actually, ok, he gave me the big fake diamond at about 5:45 this morning but it took all that other stuff for me to get to where I could appreciate it.

Because why should Valentine's Day be any different than every other day that I'm Facebook-stalking you?

Happy Valentine's Day, and if you'd rather not, then Happy Monday.  Whatever. Just be happy.

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