TCK's first bout of the season- an away bout in Mandeville, LA, was a wonderful success. We won, but I'm mostly happy about the way that we actually worked together as a cohesive team in regards to strategy and smart game play. We made some progress in this direction towards the last part of last season, but two months of really focusing on these details in addition to all the other things at practice really did pay off.
There is always more work to do, though, and I'm excited to see what comes next.
Cards Against Humanity will be going with me to every single bout for the rest of my life.
It was, indeed, a good day.
I'm somewhere at the end of a month of being a really-truly nonsmoker. I've gotten to that shitty point where I don't like how I smell when I leave a bar. The upside is that it's also the point where the flowers in my office make the place smell amazing, so there's always a bright side.
Gluten free-vegetarian is not nearly as dramatic or difficult as I expected. I don't wanna try vegan- I love my eggs and cheese- but I'm feeling amazing. I miss fish, though. Fish may be coming back at the end of Lent. My GF trial is technically over on my birthday later this month, but I think I may keep it. On Feb 1 my Glomular Filtration Rate (indication of renal function) had improved by 2%. That could be because of the GF, or because of any number of variables, but I don't miss wheat and I've figured out that by packing a bag like a toddler's mother would do, the inconvenience factor is pretty low.
Don't trouble trouble, right? I've identified that my presence on OKCupid was just adding to my stress level. I don't want to be a bitch, but the volume of illiterate and/or married men contacting me were starting to not only piss me off but also shade my self perception. I've always felt that dating profiles that present with a laundry list of "Do not contact me IF:" items came off as horribly negative, but I was starting to see the appeal. So... I've killed that shit and set my account to disabled. Maybe for a week, maybe forever. Who knows? I feel better, and I'm not experiencing anxiety when I see "DoucheBag8478 sent you a message!" in my email or on my phone.
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