Thursday, December 27, 2012

Here we go again...

I've signed up for another clinical trial, this one starting on January 7.

I did say "NEVER AGAIN" but this one is not a drug trial.  This is a diet study being run by a resident clinician at the Nephrology clinic I am a patient of, in conjunction with a nutritionist.

GLUTEN FREE FOR 2 MONTHS.  Apparently, it has positive results in the Glomerular Filtration Rate department, something about reducing visceral fat on organs (YUM!)

So, please excuse me while I go eat all the bread that I can get my grubby little paws on.  If I'm not back by the 7th, I should be back shortly thereafter. Nothing provides blogfodder like a new diet.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

In Memoriam.

That's not just a great picture- that was Conall's default setting.  Happy, smiling, with piercing blue eyes, a softspoken voice but an infectious laugh... and amazing calves, but mostly it was the smile.  I'm sure that like all of us he had some flaws of humanity but I never saw evidence of one.  I just saw a talented, loving guy who seemed to like nothing more than making other people feel good, anytime and anywhere.  I met Conall when I was 15 or 16, he kissed my hand, and since that day a little bit of my heart has surely belonged to him.  He was a man who you just had to love because he had a way of giving his happiness away like largesse, and every moment spent in his company that I recall was a happy one. 

I am regretting right now that over the past weeks through this illness, I didn't visit my old friend; I tend to not want to visit the ill, I don't want to take their energy or distract them from their families.  I am heartbroken for his fiancee, his children- two of the most amazing young men I've ever met- and the other friends in his SCA family who are missing those eyes and those awesome hugs. 

I want to find eloquent words and stories to commemorate the man whose mission was to bring back hand-kissing (he really was very amazing at that)... but I can't.  Right now I can just cry and be sad and hold his memory close.

I'm going to miss you, friend.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No elves on my shelves...

The Elf on the Shelf is a creepy SOB.

Yesterday I spent entirely too much time looking at Inappropriate Elf pictures with Denise, Jenny, and Jen. Fortunately, I don't own one, so I haven't felt the need to make him swim with the fishes (I have fishes. It would happen).

I have, however, decorated my tree, proving that I'm not entirely devoid of holiday spirit.

Actually, I am.  This year I'm not so excited about Christmas, but I am excited about setting up my tree! Last year I didn't, so it's been a year and a half (ever since Christmas in July) since I saw some of my favorite collectibles..

Shamrock/clover ornaments on my tree? 15, and I love every single one of them.

My mother was crafty. She made the crocheted stocking and the red and white owls, years ago.
Jeanie went on vacation and brought me a pink flamingo.  Evil Sara gave me the green frog a very long time ago; there may have been a story there, but I can't recall it.
The sheep belonged to my very dear missed friend, Beth. The pickle it is staring at was a gift from Becca, given in memory of Beth who had fun stories about growing up in a house with a Christmas Pickle (which is FAR less creepy than a fucking elf on a shelf... just sayin').
This ball only made it to the tree because it's still got silly string on it from Christmas in July... and after all, my tree is all about the people I love, even if they spray silly string in my house.

A new addition to my ornament box, Bri sent me red roller skates for my tree earlier this year.

So... yes, currently I'm living in denial that Christmas is a few weeks away. Maybe it's the weather, or the dreading of the trip to the Ancestral Motherland... and maybe I'll get in the spirit eventually.

But hey, I've got an awesome tree.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bad ideas, $1.

So, the plan was:

All ages concert
6 bands for 6 bucks
Safe environment
Raise some good money for the league and gain more local attention

Can't go wrong, right?  I mean, 3 of the 6 bands have a decent following, and one of the bands is young enough that they have high school friends still in town!  And nobody ever does anything for young people around here!

Despite flyering, Facebook bombing, and being in a few local gig guides- including a "pick of the weekend" in a free newspaper....

12 people who were actually there to pay admission showed up.

I'm officially done having fundraising ideas.

The good side of the coin?  What I'm now referring to as "Halftime show audition night" went really well.  We did have fun and the bands rocked as though they were playing to a stadium and didn't seem bitter at all.