In the past few months, I have seriously seen my abilities as a skater improve. I'd hit a plateau for sure- and I've been pushing past it. My endurance is stronger; my agility is improving. I credit this to a number of things; when I came off the Nocturne trial this summer, I was starting back at barely better than "Fresh Meat," and I think I had some time in that break to un-remember some bad habits. We have a new coach- and her style of instruction is good for me. The addition of a weekly off-skates practice has allowed me to really do some good work on my weaknesses. I'm practicing better awareness; awareness on the track, awareness of my body, awareness of my teammates' strengths and weaknesses, and how to supplement them.
All of these are good things...
If only I didn't feel like I am possibly causing damage to myself in the process.
It has been a year and a half since I injured my knee. An ill-fitting 187 Pro kneepad and a concrete floor in Cenla last year resulted in a deep bruise, and since then, my right knee has been VERY prone to hurting more than it should, given what's going on. A really good hit resulting in a hard knee drop last month is still causing pain. I can shake it off and keep skating- but should I? I did last night, and a lap or two in it had dissipated, but it sucked like a mother first. The shoulder that I separated last November is still having moments of aching; most are tolerable, but last week, I had to have it pushed back into it's socket from rolling out a bit, and that's not exactly ideal. I did go to an ortho and PT for the shoulder. I was released as being in "good shape" and I've consistently had a full range of motion. It's possible that it's just going to be an achy shoulder forever. Or it's possible that it didn't really heal, and eventually it's going to need surgical intervention. Membership into the bionic rollergirl club is not something I covet.
BUT... I really, really, really want to finish this season out strong, and to be a part of something awesome next season. I am so stupidly proud of my league's development, and I think we've got positive forward momentum and it's only going to get better. Sure, at some point I'll get myself a set of stripes and pull myself from the roster for good... but I am not ready to be thinking about that just yet. Instead, I'm going to try to use the research I've done and the braintrust available to me and work harder at developing therapeutic and strengthening offskates work for myself, and see if I can't do myself a bit of good.
So, that's what I've got on my mind today as I try to get the bugs shaken out to prepare for an epic rematch against one of the nicest leagues we've ever played, CDD.
One of our new Fresh Meat refs who I have bonded with over music lately says this song reminds him of me. After about 15 listens, I've decided that this is an amazing compliment and I'm pretty happy about that.
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