Friday, September 28, 2012

I cut off all my hair and had a 5-month meltdown. What'd you do?

Hey look, yesterday was my 7-month anniversary at my "new" job! Sheesh. I feel like I should just re-title this whole thing "Things I was Doing when I Wasn't Here," but The Bloggess already has that booked, so we'll just stick with what we've got. But back to that - I absolutely adore my job, the stuff I get to do, and the people I get to work with. I can't say it's a job that feeds my passion; I'm an accountant. It's numbers and money, and while I really do like money an awful lot, it's not a passionate sort of thing for me. It is, however, a good job with good futures, I get to help people figure out what they've done wrong and teach them how to do it right, and there is free oatmeal and really good coffee. I don't quite have the "wear my PJs to work" freedom that I did at the last place of employment, but I have life insurance and a 401K, so I don't mind wearing actual clothes one bit.

So, I spent the majority of the summer participating in a clinical drug trial; a good thing for science and possibly even a good thing for me, but it being a double-blind study, that's hard to say. My administering clinician and I are positive that I was on some amount of the dosage due to the SUPER side effects that I experienced, but as far as actual results go, we don't know anything, since all the test results were scuttled off to Somewhere Else before she had a chance to review them. Anyhow- this trial resulted in me feeling like walking death, not being able to skate or elevate my heart rate, and generally hating everything for three months- but I'm still a little disappointed that in the interest of my sanity and athleticism, I chose not to continue in the 3-year extended version. I had every intention of thoroughly documenting my experiences with the study but it basically came down to this:

I keep making promises that I'm going to update this thing, and I don't, but this time around I actually have a number of things that really beg for documentation, so maybe I'll be back a bit more. Things that deserve my attention via writing...
* Being single, and how I am remembering how good I am at it
* Subscription recipe services really aren't that evil (my new love affair with Emeals)
* My role as a middle-aged derby girl and how I'm FINALLY grasping the concept of that freakin' clockwise crossover, but transitions still leave me spinning like a teacup.
* WHERE DID ALL THIS CRAP COME FROM?- hopefully, I'm going to reduce my possessions by about 30-50% before January, when I plan to put my house on the market
* My awesome playlist, charmingly titled "Music to Punch People By."

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